現在市面上墻體彩繪機的噴頭數量配置一般為單噴頭(也就是機器只裝一個噴頭),雙噴頭(機器裝兩個噴頭)。到這又有人會說了,不是還有四噴頭,八噴頭的嗎?小編只想說這都是一些廠家夸大宣傳的一些噱頭而已,你們不要太當真。就算有雙噴頭,八噴頭的。后期維護是特別麻煩的,而且噴頭的價格不菲。(英:At present, the number of sprinkler heads of the wall painting machine on the market is generally configured as single sprinkler head (that is, the machine is only equipped with one sprinkler head) and double sprinkler head (the machine is equipped with two sprinkler heads). To this someone will say, is not there four sprinkler head, eight sprinkler head? Xiaobian just want to say that this is some manufacturers exaggerated publicity some gimmicks, you do not take it too seriously. Even if you have two sprinklers, eight sprinklers. Late maintenance is particularly troublesome, and sprinklers are expensive.)
好了,言歸正傳。小編今天主要是跟大家講單噴頭與雙噴頭的。(英:Okay, back to business. Small make up today is to tell you the single sprinkler head and double sprinkler head.)
①單噴頭墻體彩繪機:單噴頭的墻體機普遍都是使用愛普生的七代頭,七代頭的售價一般為4000元到5000元(原裝正品)。而單噴頭墻體機每小時普通打印的效率大概為3到6個平方,高清打印的話每小時頂多3個平方。(英:(1) single head wall painting machine: the single head of the wall machine is generally the use of epson seven generation head, seven generation head price is generally 4000 yuan to 5000 yuan (original quality). While the efficiency of a single nozzle wall machine is about 3 to 6 square meters per hour, the maximum is 3 square meters per hour for hd printing.)
②雙噴頭墻體彩繪機:雙噴頭的墻體機普遍都是使用的愛普生的十代頭,十代頭的售價一般為1000元到1500元之間(原裝正品)。雙噴頭墻體機每小時的普通打印速度為18到24個平方,高清打印的速度為每小時12到16個平方。(英:(2) double head wall painting machine: double head wall machine is generally used epson ten generation head, ten generation head selling price is generally 1000 yuan to 1500 yuan (original quality). The normal printing speed of the double-head waster is 18 to 24 square meters per hour, while the hd printing speed is 12 to 16 square meters per hour.)
說到這你們可能又會有疑問了,十代頭比七代頭便宜這么多,是不是因為十代頭沒有七代頭好?不不不!按綜合性價比來算,十代頭要比七代頭更勝一籌。(英:Now again, you might wonder, is it because the ten is so much cheaper than the seven because the ten is not as good as the seven? No, no, no! According to the comprehensive cost performance ratio, the first ten generations are better than the first seven generations.)
七代頭有八排噴嘴,每單排有180個噴孔。計算可得七代頭的打印分辨率為1440dpi。十代頭有6排噴嘴,每單排噴嘴也是180個噴孔。計算可得出七代頭的打印分辨為1080dpi。但是,雙噴頭墻體彩繪機上面可是裝了兩個十代頭啊,這樣一加起來打印分辨率就為2160dpi啦,精度要高出七代頭640dpi。就算一個十代頭售價為1000元,兩個加起來也才2000元,而一個七代頭的售價都要4000元。這樣一對比,十代頭比七代頭要實惠多了。況且雙噴頭墻體彩繪機要比單噴頭的墻體彩繪打印效率快上好幾倍。(英:The seventh generation has eight rows of nozzles, each with 180 orifices. The print resolution of the seventh generation is 1440dpi. The 10th generation has 6 rows of nozzles, and each single row of nozzles also has 180 nozzle holes. The calculation results show that the print resolution of the seventh generation is 1080dpi. However, there are two 10-generation heads installed on the double-head wall painting machine, so the total printing resolution is 2160dpi, and the accuracy is 640dpi higher than the seven-generation head. Even if the minimum selling price for a 10-generation model is 1,000 yuan, the two will only add up to 2,000 yuan, while the minimum selling price for a seven-generation model is 4,000 yuan. Ten generations is more affordable than seven. Moreover, the double-head wall painting machine is several times faster than the single-head wall painting printing efficiency.)
現在知道為什么雙噴頭墻體彩繪機的綜合性價比要比單噴頭的高了吧!(英:Now know why double head wall painting machine comprehensive cost-effective than a single head of the hiar!)
在這個技術不斷更新迭代的二十一世紀,不創新就會被淘汰,墻體機行業亦是如此!雙噴頭墻體彩繪機會慢慢的取代但噴頭墻體彩繪機。(英:In this technology constantly updated iteration of the 21st century, no innovation will be eliminated, the wall machine industry is so! Double head wall painting opportunity to slowly replace the head wall painting machine.)