Imitation gold-plating (silver-plating)、rainbow printing paste series
一、 產品介紹:
Product introduction:
Imitation gold-plating(silver-plating) printing paste is a new product for the cloth needs to be gilded, no need to use gilding foil, use imitation gold-plating printing paste directly to product gilding effect or similar gilding effect, imitation silver-plating printing paste is also in the similar way, while the rainbow printing paste can mix various colors according to need.
二、 產品特性:
Product characteristics:
Our imitation gold-plating(silver-plating)、rainbow printing paste series, has high brightness, soft feel, wash fastness, simple operation, high performance cost ratio, stable quality, is a special new and green printing paste.
三、 使用說明:
Usage direction :
1、If there are special requests of fastness or avoiding be layered, add 1% additive to mix before use.
2、According to customer requests, choose bottoming paste with good performance (we recommend use gold-plating paste, flocking paste, gold and silver powder paste, etc.), first bottom 1-2 times.
3、And then use this product cover the surface 1-2 times, if using rainbow paste, according to customer needs, add color species to mix color before use.
4、After natural drying, use the press machine to heat, press and hot on the negative surface, temperature 100 degrees - 180 degrees, time 5-12 seconds.
Note: This product will sink to the bottom if placed for a long time, stir evenly before use, not affect the quality.
Special note: The information provided by our company is based on our best experience. Since the actual usage environment and situation are unique, the product should be tested before implementation of production.